Business Segments

Business Segments

DCP operates logistics, marketing, and gathering and processing assets across nine states. Our operations are part of a critical, integrated energy value chain creating safe, affordable, reliable, and clean energy.

DCP Midstream 2021 Stats

  • Gathered and Processed - 4.2 Bcf/d
  • Natural Gas Liquids - 398 MBbls/d

Gathering & Processing
  • 36 Plants/Treaters - reflective of the James Lake System acquisition which took place on August 1, 2022
  • 5.4 Bcf/d of processing capacity
  • 11 Fractionators
  • Equity ownership in 126 MBpd of fractionation capacity

Logistics & Marketing
  • ~4,500 miles of NGL pipeline
  • 1.7 MMBpd of NGL pipeline capacity
  • NGL Throughput - 652 MBbls/d
  • ~1,800 miles of natural gas pipeline
  • 2.8 Bcf/d of natural gas pipeline capacity
  • 8 million barrels of ethane, propane, and mixed butane storage

The DCP Footprint